The Champ's Camp: A Closer Look at Fighter's Heaven

Muhammad Ali and Drew 'Bundini' Brown at Fighter's Heaven.
Photograph courtesy of Jeff Julian.
Keeping Up the Camp
Muhammad Ali was not often seen alone. He usually travelled with an entourage of friends, family members, and employees. The atmosphere at Fighter's Heaven was no different, of course--he could not keep the camp up all by himself. Muhammad had a multitude of people to help him at his training camp.
There were individuals at the camp who had already been in the company of Muhammad Ali for years, and some new faces that showed up periodically. When it came to training, his longtime cornerman Drew 'Bundini' Brown and trainer Angelo Dundee were around often, especially when it came close to fight time. The camp was kept fed by Ali's Aunt Coretta, and later by Lana Shabazz. Wali Muhammad, or "Blood", worked as an equipment manager and did general maintenance around the camp. Gene Kilroy was often present, bringing people to the camp to meet Muhammad and taking care of his travel arrangements. Pat Patterson, a former Chicago police officer, acted as security to Muhammad both at the camp and on the road.
A few of the employees at the training camp were asked to work there because Muhammad wanted to help them in any way he could. Ralph X. Thornton was a friend of Wali Muhammad whom Ali met before his first fight against Joe Frazier. Thornton stayed with Ali and his entourage at their hotel and insisted on paying for his own room. A year later, he was in need of money and Ali could see that, so Ali asked him to come work at Fighter's Heaven. Thornton spent a majority of his time cleaning buildings and parking cars, but he saw the camp as his home.