Muhammad Ali: A Champion of Compassion

Special Olympics Medal inscribed: "Skill - Courage - Sharing - Joy"
On loan from Lonnie Ali.
Special Olympics Advocate
Of all the charitable events Muhammad Ali supported attended, some of his favorites were the Special Olympics as they embodied his belief in the unifying capabilities of sport and that all people should be treated fairly. His continued support for the Special Olympics began in 1979 when the Games were held in Brockport, New York. Ali, along with numerous other celebrities, attended to not only bring attention to this wonderful joining of sport and equality, but to also show his support for each individual athlete.
Apart from watching the games unfold, Ali also made sure to take time for every athlete that wanted to speak with him or have their picture taken with him. One day during the Games, he had a boxing ring set up and staged several rounds of boxing with a group of disabled children. A referee was present, and every time a child won, Ali would throw himself on the mat and pretend he was knocked out. No matter the time, place, or individual, Muhammad Ali had a unique way of creating a lasting memory.